Friday, July 15, 2022

#197 / Hot, Cold, And Clean


Ethan Elkind directs the climate program at the Center for Law, Energy and the Environment at UC Berkeley Law. He also publishes various articles on climate change and related topics, many of them quite good. 
I tend to think that making heat pumps accessible, as a way to "decarbonize" buildings, should be given real consideration. This is something that Elkind and Ross Zelen have recently suggested. Click that "making heat pumps accessible" link to read his blog posting on the topic. There is an online discussion scheduled on July 19th.

If we are serious about addressing the global warming crisis that is putting human civilization in danger - not to mention all life on Earth - then we really do need to be taking steps to do things differently, and if a new regulation, or program, or requirement would reduce emissions, then we need seriously to figure out how we can make it happen. Making heat pumps accessible? If it works, let's do it - and that's just one way!
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1 comment:

  1. While heat pumps may reduce natural gas and fuel oil usage in mild climates, they do not reduce energy demand. The energy to move heat to and fro must come from somewhere. If so-called renewable (rebuildable) energy sources are used, their energy must come from solar, wind, or hydro sources, all of which have their own contributions to climate variability. Since most non-fossil fuel sources are available intermittently, extensive batteries would be required to provide power when not available from these sources.

    To replace all fossil fuel sources with rebuildable sources would require the mining and processing of more rare earth metals than exist in the Earth today.

    Assessment of the Extra Capacity Required of Alternative Energy Electrical Power Systems to Completely Replace Fossil Fuels


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