Thursday, October 3, 2019

#276 / Baby In A Box

I was surprised by an article in The Wall Street Journal that appeared on August 15, 2019. Coolspring Township, in Indiana, has installed a "Safe Haven Baby Box" that allows a mother, or someone else, to place a newborn child into "an incubator-like device," pictured above, and then to walk away, anonymously.

The diagram below shows how it works. The need for this kind of "Baby Box" is obviously related to the kind of abortion laws that prevail in the state of Indiana. They are some of the most restrictive in the nation

I can't help but think that this approach to saving the lives of babies who are born to women who cannot take care of them is not the best way to address what is a real problem. 

Certainly a "Baby Box" option is better than offering a woman the option of using a dumpster to try to resolve an impossible dilemma. However, wouldn't it be better to provide comprehensive and supportive medical care for all women, avilable to them at all times, prior to and after a pregnancy, including access to both abortion and adoption, and with women being able to consult with a doctor in a safe environment, and with all the options open?

Maybe Vice President Pence, who comes from Indiana, and who is probably personally responsible for some of the state's restrictions on abortions, thinks that this "Baby Box" thing is a good idea. As for me, a high-tech approach to baby abandonment would not be my preference!

Image Credit:

1 comment:

  1. It's creative but as you mentioned it's not the best way to solve the problem because the reason might be not the ability of raising a kid. The women after pregnant get stressed easily. They need to relax, my friend Sophy Prak was in that case too, luckily, she always listened to theta music or relax music via her ceiling speaker. That helps her a lot. Beside, the husband is important too, he should be aside her that time.


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