Tuesday, August 15, 2023

#227 / A View From The 59th Street Bridge


An internet posting, with the above image prominently featured, insinuated  itself into my email inbox on Monday, May 15, 2023. Until I saw that email, I was unaware that "Santa Cruz Accelerates" even existed. Now, thanks to that email, I have been advised. 
If you click right here you will see a listing of the "5th Cohort" of firms that Santa Cruz Accelerates is hoping to "accelerate," and push forward to ever-greater market success. 

I wish everyone well, I guess. However, having seen what the "Silicon Valley" has done to us, I can't help but think that we ought to be contemplating something other than more "acceleration." 

What about the view from that 59th Street Bridge? You remember, I feel certain, the key lyric from that song:

Slow Down, You Move Too Fast

Considering where we are, today, I am not at all persuaded that getting Santa Cruz to "accelerate" is what we ought to be trying to do.

Image Credit:

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