Wednesday, June 28, 2023

#179 / Community Over Capital


Let me alert you to the May 15/22, 2023, edition of The Nation, which ran an excellent article by RenĂ©e Darline Roden. Her article was titled, "Works of Mercy." At least, that's the hard copy version of the headline. Online, the article bears this title: "The Anarchism of the Catholic Worker."
I think what The Nation has to say about The Catholic Worker Movement is important. My own writing on this topic is not so bad, either. I encourage you to find out more. Just click those links.

The actual purpose of this follow-up blog posting, however, is not to brag about my own writing, or to celebrate The Nation's important comment about an important topic. As is so often the case, one little phrase in Roden's article sent me to my computer, to type out today's blog posting. Here's the comment, from The Nation, that lets you know why The Catholic Worker Movement is so important: 

Resisting capitalism by creating a new economic life is not just a Gen Z innovation on the Worker movement. Choosing community over capital as the basis for an economy is the original Catholic Worker mandate (emphasis added).
Choosing "community" as the organizing principle of our economy is the antidote to much that has made our economy, and society, and our politics, so unwell. Here's how I usually put it:
"We are all in this together!"
If that is, in fact, true (and that statement is, in my estimation, a profound truth about our human situation), then we need to structure our society, economy, and politics to reflect that reality.  Learning about The Catholic Worker Movement is a good place to start.

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