Saturday, January 1, 2022

#1 / A New Year's Message From Steph Curry


Happy New Year!

Those who read this blog on a regular basis will remember that the traditional New Year's message featured above was promised by my blog posting yesterday. You can, by the way, subscribe to my blog postings, which I encourage. Click that link for instructions, or use the link available at the bottom of the page. 
Since my daughter, of whom I am more than just a bit proud, is always one year older on New Year's Day, I always have a good reason to celebrate the New Year. That's a comfort, since, as I noted yesterday, while I was advertising a "Happy New Year" message to be delivered in today's blog posting, there is, in fact, no guarantee that promises made for the future will really be made good. We all live day to day. I am quite happy to be here, in this New Year, to wish us all health, happiness, and success in the New Year to come. It is worth reiterating, though, that when we think about the future there are "no guarantees."

"Possibility" is my favorite category, and that means that new things can be accomplished - things never thought of or seen before - because the future is ours to create. We do have to admit, though, that maybe we won't be able actually to accomplish what we are hoping to do - even when we use our best efforts. We can't ever really draw anything in that next frame of the comic strip, as Patrick McDonnell tells us in a really significant "Mutts" cartoon. The only time we actually have, in which to act, is this present time, so we should take George Fox's advice and "prize this time for our soul's sake." 

I did see something in the San Francisco Chronicle on November 28, 2021, that bears on our relationship with the future, and I would like to pass it along. The very last lines of a wonderful tribute to Warriors' basketball player Steph Curry went like this: 

When someone asked him recently about his favorite career shot, Curry had the perfect answer.

“The next one,” he said.

That seems about right for all of us, don't you think?
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