Friday, January 25, 2019

#25 / I Think That I Shall Never See ...

... a poem as lovely as a tree. 

Here is a "follow-on" to yesterday's post, which conveyed Thoreau's idea that trees are essential for the preservation of the world.

Joyce Kilmer's famous poem, which you can read by clicking the link above, is perhaps not as "scientific" in its approach as the thoughts expressed by Thoreau, but the end message is identical. When we destroy our forests we put our own lives in peril.

The picture, showing timber cut from forests in Nigeria, is one of a series of photographs documenting the "Anthropocene," or the "Anthro-Obscene," as I think of it.

The pictures are worth reviewing.

We ought to review the way we are destroying the World of Nature, too. And we had better start doing that quickly, and change our behavior, before its too late for our favorite species!

Image Credit:

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