Sunday, April 15, 2012

#106 / Forward March

I got a comment on one of my recent Two Worlds postings. I thought it contained some very good advice. In a very brief compass this phrase lets us know how we should think about what it means to admit that we are wrong, and that we need to reverse field to correct our errors and get to where we want to go.

I lived through the Vietnam War. Confessing error and reversing field was what we needed then. That's just one of countless examples.

My thanks to Michael Lewis for this insight:

When standing at the abyss, with our toes hanging out over the edge, we have two choices. We either step carefully backwards away from the edge. Or, we turn around and take a step forward.
Forward, march!

1 comment:

  1. Truth in advertising time, Gary.

    The insightful quote above came to me from my wife, Jean Brocklebank, who has been saying it publicly for over thirty years. She heard it from David Brower, who said he got it from someone else, but he did not say who.


Thanks for your comment!